The Annual Member Print Exchange is an exciting tradition that celebrates the incredible talent and creativity within our community. This event is a fantastic way to share your work, collaborate with other members and create lasting connections within the Philadelphia art community.
The 14th Annual Member Print Exchange is an un-juried, open themed print exchange open to all current members of Second State Press. This year’s exchange celebrates fourteen years of printmaking at Second State Press and is an opportunity for printmakers to exercise the idea of creative exchange at the core of our mission.
Eligibility: Participation is open to all current members of Second State Press. Nonmembers are encourage to participate, as well. If you are not a member you may register for the exchange for a $50 membership fee. You do not need to be located in the Philadelphia area to participate - all are welcome. All fees go toward sustaining the future of Second State Press
Edition Size: The size of the edition is 22 prints. The paper size must be 8×10 inches. Please remember to sign and number your prints in pencil.
Medium and Paper Size: Original work in any printed mediums (e.g. serigraphy, etching, lithography, intaglio, relief, etc.). Purely digital prints will not be accepted, but incorporating digital printing into your hand pulled prints is welcome. The paper size is 8×10 inches, prints may incorporate borders or be a bleed, but please only submit prints that fit the 8×10 inches requirement. Other sizes will not be eligible for the exchange. Prints must include 22 sheets of glassine slightly smaller than 8×10 inches.
Exhibition: Each artist will receive a portfolio of 20 prints. The first print from the edition will be on exhibition and auctioned off at our Annual Party to support SSP. The second print will remain in our permanent collection. Please allow four to six weeks for your set of prints from the exchange.
Graphic by Sofie Praestgaard
RSVP: Artists interested in participating must RSVP by October 11th.
Drop off Date: Prints must be received by Second State Press by Friday, November 8th at 8pm.
We look forward to celebrating the artistry of our members and your participation in this event makes it all the more special. Should you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us
Thank you for being a valued member of the Second State Press community. We can’t wait to see the beautiful prints you create and share in this year’s exchange!