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Drypoint on Recycled Materials

Wednesday, August 7th
5:00pm - 8:00pm

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Interested in intaglio printmaking and sustainability?

This workshop will introduce students to a non-toxic form of intaglio printmaking using recycled materials that can be found at home. Participants will learn how to make a drypoint etching plate using Tetrapak (think milk cartons). Reference imagery will be transferred onto the recycled material and various drypoint and collagraph techniques will be demonstrated for participants to incorporate into their plates.

Ink and paper will be provided and students will pull their own small edition of prints on the press. Participants are encouraged to bring reference images or sketches to work from.

All materials provided. No prior art making or printmaking experience required!

August 4

Intro to Monotype: Color and Texture

August 10

Fun with Wood Type!